Pro Photo Blogs Review

Pro Photo Blogs Review

For photographers I have run my wordpress blog as a wedding photographer, for over five years now.  I have used many themes, from Tofurious to Genesis, and many others along the way.  I thought I would write a Pro Photo…

Long Beach Island - New Jersey

Pausing a minute – a personal post

A week ago my hubby and I had just gotten our daughter to sleep on our love seat.  With the storm warnings, and being surrounded by lots of large trees (one already had hit our deck in the June storm),…

Summer – A personal post

Summer – A personal post

I feel like I am long overdue for a personal post.  I last blogged about our trip to Long Beach Island in June.  I guess going to the beach motivates me to write, since I just got back again. Last week, Mackenzie…

Long Beach Island New Jersey - Child Portraits 1

Long Beach Island, New Jersey

I just got back from a week long vacation at the Jersey shore.  I read a lot, played in the sand, the pool, explored the little shops, and celebrated my 8th wedding anniversary.  Oh, and I ran five mornings, making…

Road trip to Fairfax County, Virginia

Road trip to Fairfax County, Virginia

I’ve been in Virginia two months and one day. Getting settled has been so much more hectic than I ever imagined. I thought it was time I finish my trip report. This is going to be a bit long, and…

road trip santa rosa new mexico

New Mexico to Oklahoma

We woke up to a beautiful day in Santa Rosa. The sun was out. It was the first time we had seen much sun in months, having just left Portland in the winter. The weather must have been close to…