Choosing a new business name, our rebranding journey
I have lists and lists of name ideas. I’ve done the deep diving into what I want my company name to represent. I’ve filled 10+ notebook pages, as somehow this feels like a paper and pen thing.

I’ve Googled “choosing a new business name” which is not something I recommend doing, but it was in a moment of feeling a bit overwhelmed. What this led me to was learning how bad the auto generated AI names can be!
Why am I renaming?
As my business has grown, it’s not about me and my business name is. Yes, I have the “and co” to represent the small team that helps me, but the name is still about me, when it should be about my business, the team (as we grow) and most importantly our clients.

Then there is the issue that I don’t go by Jessie Mary, so it just confuses people, which is never a good thing! I typically go by Jessica or Jess.
What to look for when you rename
I’ve been reading books, which does not make me an expert in this by any means. What I’ve decided is that I want my business name to represent how my clients feel during the process and after working together.
Beyond the vibe and message, I’ve realized that I also need to make sure it’s legally available and that there is some sort of domain that sounds good that is also available.
Then there’s the debate of how much it should say what we do. Does our business name need to spell out exactly what it is our business does? My answer is no, but it should also follow some logic.
The short list
I’ve come up with a shortlist, but I’m still brainstorming too. I think I’m close, but I’m not going to share the name until we launch under it. I’ll share one part, it will be: ________________ Creative. The word creative represents a collaborative open minded space to me, and gives a glimpse of what we do without being too specific.
Have you renamed your business? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experience with the process. Connect with me on Instagram at @jessiemaryco.