
What is a lead magnet and why you need one

Every website we design starts with a Strategy Session. During this call, we plan out the details of our project. One topic we talk about is if the client has an email list. Very often, the response is that yes they have a list but they don’t use it, because no one signs up for it. Which brings us to the topic of a lead magnet.

What is a lead magnet and why do you need one? A lead magnet, also known as an opt in offer or freebie, helps get signups on your email list.

Woman working at laptop with coffee
Woman in blue sweater working on laptop in home office

First, I must admit that I only created my lead magnet in the last year.

It was one of those projects that sat on a to do list, and kept getting pushed down in priority. We all have at least one of those projects.

If I made it 8 years in business without a freebie, why do you need one?

I have seen an increase in my email list since creating it, and I’ve noticed that almost every potential client that books a consult also sign up for my lead magnet, which brings me to reason #1.

It’s a warm welcome

Whether it’s a client that already booked a consult, a peer that I am networking with, or someone completely new, it gives them a way to get to know me and Jessie Mary & Co. This means when I do talk to someone, they already know what to expect, and already like what we do as a business. If the people I talk to about projects have this warm welcome, it means that they are more likely to book a project after we talk.

The first sale is always the hardest

I’m a little bit of a marketing geek and read lots on the topic. Everything I’ve learned about marketing says it’s more difficult to get a new customer to spend the first dollar then it is to get a repeat customer to spent $1000.

With all the information overload, and our inboxes filling up, our email addresses are valuable. To most people they are worth more than $1 in exchange value. Customers really think before handing over that information, and don’t want to do it without a reason.

Once they do, it’s almost like a purchase. They’ve given you an opening, and are more likely to buy from you now that you’ve had this exchange.

Build trust & show your expertise

You can establish a relationship with your potential customers through your opt in. This is a chance to show that you can solve their problems, and that you are open to sharing your knowledge. It sets you apart from others in your industry as an expert, and let’s people get to know your brand.

5 must have sections on your website - ebook on tablet
Our lead magnet is shown above above

What to do with your lead magnet once you’ve created it

I’m not going to go into complicated 37 step funnels here. That’s not my area of expertise and I’m a believer in keeping things simple. While my “funnel” aka emails you receive when you signup for my list could likely use some love, it works. If you signup, you get the freebie and one more email. Then you go into my general email list and can unsubscribe any time you like.

While you can certainly hire an email marketing guru or learn systems on your own, just having the freebie and those email addresses is certainly the first step, and for you may be enough.

What actually is a lead magnet?

It can be anything that you can provide that is of value, and can be exchanged for an email address. There are so many options: a checklist, an eBook, a course… It can be a pdf designed in Canva, a video, a short email sequence, or whatever you can think of, as long as it can be auto delivered by your email list provider*. I’d recommend something short if this is your first lead magnet. Think about what your clients ask often, or what you love to share, related to what you do.

My freebie talks about the different content you need to prepare for a website design, whether it’s a DIY project or you’re working a designer. I chose this because it’s something that I’ve seen my clients struggle with, and knew it would help other creative business owners as well.

*If you’re looking for an email list provider, I’m a fan of Flodesk. Please note this is an affiliate link, but I only share businesses I believe in.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, owner of Jessie Mary & Co. I'm a web and design geek, with a passion for helping creatives build their businesses.


When I'm not at my computer, I'm often lost in a book, practicing yoga, or exploring outdoors with my family.

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Regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic, we welcome clients from all backgrounds. We are committed to providing an outstanding experience to all of our clients, and to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. We believe our differences make us stronger.


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