Wish Boudoir | ProPhoto website
I recently posted about Sweet Serendipity’s new website. One of the amazing things about Jaime’s business is that she successfully runs a multi-faceted photography business.  She shoots many weddings each year throughout Florida, and then has a studio where she photographs newborns, and boudoir sessions, almost daily.  She is successful at all these different types of photography and they are all equally important to her business.
As a website designer, this brings an extra challenge.  It just feels odd visually to put a family photo next to even the most tasteful of boudoir photos, and it can also confuse the potential clients trying to find a wedding photographer.  So when we worked on Sweet Serendipity’s website we made sure to make each area easy to find, and decided to keep boudoir as it’s own website.
Jaime has always branded boudoir separately, but before it felt like a completely different business, looking at the two websites. Â We wanted to tie them together, so everyone knows it’s still the same photographer behind both, and to feel a sense of cohesiveness between the brands.
One of the great things about ProPhoto Blogs, which we used to build Jaime’s website, is that you can easily duplicate a template.  So I started by creating a ProPhoto template from the Sweet Serendipity site we can just finished.  Then I did some tweaking to make it similar but more suited to a boudoir photography business.  You’ll notice a lot of the same elements and colors, but used in a different way, the boudoir website has a completely different feel.  I also created a new logo and watermark for Wish, to complete the look.