Story Lens, a website in a day

Earlier this year we designed a website in a day with Lisa of Story Lens. While we’re not currently accepting VIP Day clients, I still wanted to share this project.
Lisa needed a new website pretty much yesterday, when she inquired. We talked through her needs and really simplified the website design plan so that we could get through it in one day.
We used Pro Photo Sites with WordPress, as our platform, and started with one of the free included templates with Pro Photo. Lisa had all her content ready, including images prepped and writing polished. We also had a site plan mapped out from our Strategy Call.
On the day of the design, we hopped on a Zoom call and worked through building the website together. There were times when both of us had work to do on it, and others where Lisa could take a break. In the end, we created a simple website that looks good on all platforms, shows off her photography, and explains what Story Lens offers.
Keep in mind, most website are more complicated than this and take a lot more time. Normally I wouldn’t recommend an entire website during a VIP day, but some times getting a website up quickly can be the most important goal. The great part about what we did here is that it’s a solid start, and it can be added to later. We can add additional pages, more design elements, tweak the branding, and more.
If you’re ever heading out to mountains of Colorado and want adventure photos taken of your family, definitely check out Story Lens. Lisa is a former mountain guide, and takes her clients to amazing places, creating unique family portraits.